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67. Alex Van Tol - What's Love Got To Do With Health? Episode 67

67. Alex Van Tol - What's Love Got To Do With Health?

At the core of all health and life improvements is self-love. Alex Van Tol is a communications specialist who shares insights from her 10-year-long journey of inner self-love. Learning to truly love and accept yourself isn’t easy, it takes practice and faith. We need to make our healthy choices within the context of love for ourselves, rather than fear and manipulation from a toxic culture. Most of us are programmed to search for love and approval from others, but loving yourself will always be stronger and more important. Scoop up some cosmic energy and start planting your love-garden today!

· 31:12

❀️ Self-love is at the root of all our healing: inner work is a bit of a faith game, invisible and mood dependent. 03:14
πŸ’ Focusing context vs. content: even flowers grow more fully surrounded by the context of love. 07:11
πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ Acceptance is where change can happen: our bodies are a very underused source of wisdom and knowledge in our society. 10:39
πŸ₯° Speak words of love to yourself: draw the cosmic energy towards yourself 13:31
πŸ‘§ A disordered eating pattern can be connected to having felt deprived of love as a little person. 16:17
πŸ’†β€β™€οΈ How to logically say you are enough and 100% worthy of unconditional self-love and acceptance?: it takes 100 reps to talk yourself into something but drops to 10 reps when you get your body involved. 19:41
🌬️ Bring the body and the breath in: breath is the excuse to bring attention somewhere. 22:26
πŸŽ‡ Would you be willing to do this imperfectly and still have fun? 26:19
πŸ’ž Self-love may feel silly at the beginning, but the fruit from the love garden is so juicy. 28:05

πŸ‘‰  Connect with Alex: www.alexvantol.com
🌸  Natural Weight Loss and Wellness: www.wynweightloss.com
🎀  Book Jill to speak: www.jillcruz.com


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