👧 The ways we are raised
00:41💐 Facing reality leads to a better life. Why is that?
02:02🍔 What does it mean to face reality? Overeating example.
03:19❌ Making yourself wrong only leads to bad behavior.
05:00✍️ Journaling helps.
05:22🫥 There's going to be short-term discomfort. 06:00?
🌙 Stay up late - detailed example about facing reality.
07:00💡 What happens long-term when facing reality? You can see new opportunities.
08:55💤 There is an opportunity in facing the reality of late sleep.
09:44🪤 Denying will catch up with you.
11:51✨ Facing the truth will manifest positive reality
12:24❤️ You're not wrong, you want to be happy and care for your body.