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48. Emotions: Good or Bad, We Can't Deny Them Episode 48

48. Emotions: Good or Bad, We Can't Deny Them

From a young age, we’re taught to suppress our emotions. The repercussions of this suppression can be seen all throughout the remainder of your life. Instead, let your emotions flow. It’s okay if you’re not ready to open the floodgates now, but it’s important to talk to someone about what you are feeling.

· 12:15

🧘‍♀️ Allow your emotions to flow even though you were taught the opposite. 00:40
😊 Core emotions: anger, sadness, fear, happiness, and sexual feelings. 02:17
🤸‍♀️ Emotions are physical sensations. They are connected with our physical reactions. 03:40
👧 Relearn the process of embracing emotions. 04:18
👩‍⚕️ Choose someone to help you explore your emotions: the process starts with awareness. 04:50
🛑 Unaware emotions can block progress: we need to go into them. 05:35
🗒️ Rant on paper when you get an urge to suppress emotions. 06:45
🤷‍♀️ There's a reason for laziness. 08:15
🌟 Don't blame yourself, go into problem-solving mode. 08:40
✍️  Your body is giving you the signals: take notes of what is going on in your body.  09:35
📚 It is a long holistic process: come in with curiosity.  09:47

✅ Natural Weight Loss and Wellness: www.wynweightloss.com
🌸 Connect with Jill: www.linkedin.com/in/jill-cruz-ms-cns-healthy-weight-loss
 🎤 Book Jill to speak: www.jillcruz.com


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