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47. Romy Carlson - Building Connection and Empowering Each Other for Success Episode 47

47. Romy Carlson - Building Connection and Empowering Each Other for Success

Romy Carlson is a mother, corporate executive, and an athlete. By working with her nature and rising early to accomplish her workout and meetings, she’s able to manage everything seamlessly. Instead of comparing yourself to Romy or feeling inadequate because you don’t do “all of the things”, I encourage you to listen to this episode.

· 44:40

🤹‍♀️ How does Romy manage everything? 01:49
✋ Why boundaries are important. 02:20
👩‍🎓 Worries about having college-aged kids: everything has its good and bad sides. 05:00
🔢 Discipline and self-respect through daily prioritization helped Romy use her 24 hours the best way possible. 08:20
😇 Her parents were amazing role models: let's build each other up, let's make it easier to be more successful. 12:08
👩‍⚕️ Puritanism approach in our society: being humble is great, but it hurts our mental and physical health. 14:48
✅ Get out of your comfort zone and really connect with other women: stop comparing and competing. 19:53
💆‍♀️ Self-care is important to be able to lift people up. 22:00
🤗 One of the best ways to lower stress is to help someone and make connections. 24:00 
👠 Women are thought to be perfect: give yourself space for the journey of life. 28:20 
✌️ We will make mistakes and different things will happen and that's ok. 33:00
🥳 We should get messier. We have too high of expectations for ourselves. 34:25
🥰 Have deep connections instead of perfectionism: people that are real are the most loveable. 35:00
🌸  "Tend to the flowers in your own garden" vs. growing everyone's garden, including your own. 37:30
🎯 The only thing I can change is me: get focused on the right place. 40:30
🧘‍♀️ Internal dialog is not easy: it takes willpower and time to learn it. 40:35 

 ✅ Connect with Romy:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/romycarlson
🍎 Natural Weight Loss and Wellness: www.wynweightloss.com
🎤 Book Jill to speak: www.jillcruz.com


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