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62. Allyson McQuinn - Curing All Layers of Illnesses Episode 62

62. Allyson McQuinn - Curing All Layers of Illnesses

Heilkunst medicine is a complete system of holistic medicine and homeopathic principles used to prevent and cure disease. Allyson McQuinn has been a practitioner of Heilkunst since she witnessed it successfully treat her son's autism. Disease matrixes pass down through generations and the root causes of disease are often ignored. It's not enough to use antibiotics to recover from illness and many western medicine practices can be detrimental. It’s time we start treating illness and disease from the roots using alternative perspectives that are uncommonly found in the west. Learn how to peel off the layers and get back to your factory settings with us!

· 35:11

❤️ 'Heil' means whole art and science + 'kunst' is healing and curing: Allyson's son’s autism was successfully treated. 01:33
🎯 What’s the difference between a Heilkunst doctor and a regular one?: you gotta do things in order, or you won't get the “full monty” of the resolution you expect. 06:31
👩‍⚕️ Homeopathy and allopathy systems: Heilkunst treatment. 11:20
💊 Antibiotic means against life: be careful with those.17:11
🧬 Jill's daughter's experience with Lyme: an emotional aspect of every illness. 20:33
🤰 Natural birth is a different way of birthing: we did it for centuries.  23:27
❌ Birth is not illness: C-sections can create problems for future generations. 27:56
👩‍👧‍👦 Allyson's experience with her children and antibiotics: we didn't have the right education. 29:08

 ✌️ Connect with Allyson: https://arcanum.ca/faq/
🌟 Natural Weight Loss and Wellness: www.wynweightloss.com 
🎤 Book Jill to speak: www.jillcruz.com 


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